The MFR Bodyworker will Address the Symptoms

Wherever the symptoms may occur in the whole body; they need to be addressed; everyone needs relief!
By releasing the fascial restrictions, the bones can then naturally drift back into alignment, and the (up to 2000 lbs. per square inch) pressures will be taken off of the tissues of the head/neck (goodbye migraine) and shoulders (goodbye shoulder pain) as well as ribcage (goodbye shortness of breath) hip and spine (goodbye lower back and sacroiliac joint pain) and hip/leg (goodbye plantar fascitis).  Hello Life!

The focus of each session will be to...

Address the symptoms you may be experiencing (such as pain, numbness, tingling, aching, burning, etc.), as well as to address the cause of these symptoms.

Each session will begin with...
Assessment of areas of progress, areas of continued need and a brief look at standing postural alignment.

MFR Bodyworker will Identify and Treat the Cause

This part of the session may be a bit confusing for you as a client.  You are coming to your session for headaches and migraines and your practitioner is more interested in your pelvis.  Your pelvis is the foundation of your entire system!  If your pelvis is misaligned due to fascial restrictions, this will shift your upper body out of alignment and drag your lower body into an awkward position.  Getting your foundation secure is key to a successful treatment plan.

The MFR Bodyworker and Client will Discuss their Evaluation
It is important for you to understand how the fascial restrictions are related to your symptoms.  Always feel free to ask questions throughout the process.  For example, the tightness between the fascia of the head/neck may be causing the migraines. Fascial restrictions pulling into the neck/shoulder may be causing the shoulder pain. Fascial restrictions adhering to the spine and ribcage together may be causing the shortness of breath. Fascial restrictions between the hip/spine may be causing back and sacroiliac joint pain. Fascial restrictions between the hip/leg may be pulling into the foot causing plantar fascitis. 

The MFR Bodyworker will teach the Client
It is our ultimate goal for you to have fascial independence!  Your bodyworker should teach you how to use the basic practical principles of Myofascial Release to self-treat for health and well-being for a lifetime!  After all God did create our bodies to heal themselves. 


The MFR Bodyworker will thoroughly evaluate the patient in standing, sitting and/or laying down, observing and palpating structural alignment, tissue glide/thickness, range of motion, posture and mobility. In this case, noting that the right hip, ribcage and shoulder are "glued" together. Also, the left shoulder and head/neck are "glued" together, as are the lower left hip and leg. The arms and legs are uneven, with tightness of the medial thigh. Ideally, the hips and shoulders should be level, arms and legs should be even, and spine should be straight. The MFR Bodyworker will also note that some of the tissues (fascia) feel tight, are painful when touched, and limit the patient's ability to move freely. 

The MFR Bodyworker will Ask Questions and Listen
This is an important key to the evaluation process.  The bodyworker is looking for shifts and settling to take place as the patient is reporting their symptoms.  Paying particular attention as the patient is stating seemingly unrelated symptoms such as migraine, shoulder pain, shortness of breath, sacroiliac joint pain and plantar fascitis. 

  • The Prayer4:19
  • Breath Of Heaven (Mary's Song)5:29
  • Miracles2:32